success means action
virtual online assessments
Carry out online assessments conveniently, regardless of where all parties are located!
What are the problems businesses face:
Hiring the wrong person with the wrong skills leads to high costs, i.e. up to 1.5 years salary. Promoting the wrong person with the wrong skills has an impact on your business growth, employee engagement and client satisfaction. Not investing in succession planning, thereby not knowing who your talents are, impacts your business growth.
When do you use virtual assessments:
Personnel Selection & Recruitment
People Development & Talent Management
Succession Planning
What is the benefit for you:
agile response to a targeted planning and management of your talents
assessment of your people across time zones and locations without having to travel
sustainable and cost effective process for you and candidates as no travel and other opportunity costs result
prevents you from poor selection decisions, you can save up to 1.5x annual salary
ability to identify and assess future resource needs and better resource planning
delivery of a focused management audit to determine strengths and development areas that can be translated into a focused development plan
maintains the same high validity and reliability as face-to-face assessments
How does it work:
We use easy to operate software
Maintaining safety and data security standards
Call us now to know more

What we offer

3 hours
Competency-Based Interview
Cognitive Ability Tests

Half Day
Competency-Based Interview
Cognitive Ability Tests
Personality, Motivation & Values
Business Simulation

Full Day
Competency-Based Interview
Cognitive Ability Tests
Personality, Motivation & Values
Multiple Business Simulations